east end youth ministry
Code of Conduct/ Discipline Policy for East End Youth Ministry
The purpose of the Code of Conduct/Discipline Policy is to set forth the ethical expectations for participants of the East End Youth Ministry and all its programs for our community and to assure safe, efficient, and harmonious operations.
This policy applies to all participants in the East End Youth Ministry programming.
Violations will lead to corrective action up to and including dismissal from the program.
We report observed or suspected violations of the Code in a spirit of fairness, honesty, and respect for the rights of others. Violations of the Code of Conduct/Discipline Policy should be reported to an East End Youth Ministry Staff Member or Volunteer. Reports of violations may be made anonymously.
It is important that our staff and volunteers maintains order and discipline. The After-School Program includes safety and a positive atmosphere for learning and developing social skills. The After-school Program makes every effort to help teens understand clear definitions of acceptable and unacceptable behavior.
A teen’s behavior is expected to be consistent with the following:
Use appropriate language and tone at all times.
Cooperate with staff and follow directions.
Respects other participants and staff, equipment and facilities, and yourself.
Maintain a positive attitude.
Disciplinary actions will be handled as follows:
First Offense: If a teen is unable to comply with the behavior expectations, a conference will be held with the teen and appropriate staff.
Second Offense: If after the above meeting the teen is still unable to comply with the behavior expectations, the program director will set up a conference with the parent(s)/guardian. Failure of the parent(s)/ guardian to attend conference(s) and cooperate will subject the child to suspension or dismissal.
Third Offense: If the teen’s behavior continues to be disruptive and/or unsafe, the teen will be subject to a three-day suspension and/or dismissal.
Behaviors, which may result in immediate dismissal, include, but are not limited to:
Any action that could threaten or pose a direct threat to the physical/emotional safety of the participants and staff.
Possession of a weapon of any kind
Vandalism or destruction of East End Youth Ministry or Beulah Presbyterian Church property or property of others.
Sexual misconduct
Possession or use of alcohol or controlled substances, with the exception of drugs prescribed by a doctor. The Program Director must be informed in advance of all prescription drugs.
Biting and/or spiting
In the event that drugs or weapons are found, the parent will be called immediately, and the incident will be reported to the Churchill Police.